The UP Film Institute together with the Socialist Circle and with the Philippines-Cuba Cultural and Friendship Association (PhilCuba) hosted the free screenings of Cuban films from April 11-14, 2018 at the UPFI Film Center Videotheque, University of the Philippines Diliman. The screening was done in preparation for the Marx Festival 2018 this May. This is also in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba (Malaysia).
For many decades after the revolution, Cuba has been fighting against all odds to maintain its independence/sovereignty as a people/as a country despite the continued blockade imposed by the United States of America on this little island. Yet despite this, Cuba has exemplary shown, its successes in various facets – education/literacy, healthcare, sports and culture, etc.
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Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba Ibete Hernandez Fernandez gives remarks for the festival
L to R, Director Sari Ll Dalena of UP Film Institute, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba Ibete Hernandez Fernandez, Ana Maria R. Nemenzo and Former UP President Dodong Nemenzo and Former Chair of PhilCuba.
Robert M. Corpuz, Antonio E. Paris,Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba Ibete Hernandez Fernandez and Irma M. Llorera,Karl Vladimir
Atty Gabby Concepcion gives a short speech in behalf of the UP President Danilo Concepcion
Corazon Fabros presents Director Sari Dalena with the booklet
Front cover of the booklet