UPFI congratulates alumni David Corpuz and Martika Escobar for being chosen as participants on the 2017 Fantastic Film School, with this year’s theme, “The Power of Asia’s Genre Film Industry.” The Fantastic Film School (FFS) is a professional training program for genre film professionals at Network of Asian Fantastic Films (NAFF). This year’s program is presented by the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BiFan) and will be held on July 13 to 19, 2017.
About this announcement:
FFS is a comprehensive educational workshop and a networking program aimed at nurturing Asia’s newest genre filmmakers. FFS consist of a diverse portfolio of programs, ranging from lectures and workshops focused on all aspects of the film industry, to the master class and team pitching sessions. This program has a long history of collaboration with professionals in genre film from all over the world, with each year focusing on a different set of topics. FFS invites the leading global film professionals to have them share their invaluable expertise and offer advices to help participants further improve their projects and expand their global networks.
Additional information from the Fantastic Film School 2015 official website: http://naff.bifan.kr/en/fantastic/about.asp
Entitled with Asian Filmmakers Lab, Fantastic Film School has provided filmmaking know-how from renowned experts of the international film industry. With generous supports from Create HK, Media Development Authority (MDA) of Singapore, Taipei National University of Arts, Maxima Entertainment, and Korean Academy of Film Arts(KAFA), Fantastic Film School focuses on the core process of filmmaking reflecting the rapid change in current genre filmmaking trends.
For more information regarding this program, go to this link: https://www.bifan.kr/eng/community/comm01_view.asp?actEvent=view&pk_seq=78100&sc_board_seq=13&sc_num=