The Filipino Arts & Cinema International or FACINE on the occasion of its 25th/Silver anniversary announces the launching of a critical essay writing competition on Filipino cinema as part of its commitment to educate/inform our public on Filipino cinema, either Philippine or diasporic, and build/organize a scholarship on this important media/popular art form in the United States.
It is my vision, as Director of FACINE, that scholarship, its importance not only in organizing a viable and potent film culture that contributes to the sustainability of our cinema, but that, especially in the context of a festival that has introduced and presented Filipino films to a larger audience for the past 25 years, is crucial in building a global audience in the now and thereafter, much more promoting our people’s interests, our aspirations as a people.
FACINE has partnered with the Philippine American Writers and Artists, Inc. or PAWA through its Manuel G. Flores Prize Fund to make this possible, the giving of cash awards and publication of the winning essays.
1st: $200 cash prize; certificate; publication; 3 copies of publication
2nd: Certificate; publication; 3 copies of publication
3rd: Certificate; publication; 3 copies of publication
1st: $100 cash prize; certificate; publication; 3 copies
2nd: Certificate; publication; 3 copies
3rd: Certificate; publication; 3 copies
The competition in itself, distinguishes the FACINE festival from other film festivals of its nature, by raising awareness of the need for Filipino film scholarship.
FACINE expresses its gratitude to Prof. Joel David and PAWA President Edwin Lozada for their input in the formulation of the competition.
Please find below the Rules and Guidelines in Submission of Entries:
cineSuri 2018 [analyzing film]
FACINE Critical Essay Writing Competition on Filipino Cinema
1. The essay should be written in English and be at least 1,500 to NO MORE than 2,000 words long, excluding references. You must provide a word count on the entry form. Eligible essays may be on any subject related to Philippine or Filipino diasporic cinema: single or a group of works; critical evaluation of a film artist’s body of works; serious study of an aspect of film practice, whether creative, craft, industry, government mediation/intervention, audience reception, education, film archiving/preservation, intertextual/meta-textual interpretation of work(s), etc.
2. The essay should be word-processed preferably using MS Word, New Times Roman font, 12 pts for the text; using double-line spacing; with each page numbered, centered at the bottom of each page; and with the essay title, centered on top of each page using Calibri font, 12 pts. Other instructions: a) Indent the first line of new paragraphs; b) Flush left all text.
3. You may provide at the maximum two still photos, either in the color of the original, of acceptable print quality; screen caps may be allowed, but each screen cap is counted as one photo clip.
4. The entrant’s name should NOT be on the essay cover page nor anywhere in the essay. This means that essays can be judged anonymously. The entrant’s name should be provided in a separate page, labeled ENTRY FORM provided along with other information, including word count.
CATEGORY (Please check):
_____ Professional (those individuals whose critical essays (one or more) on film has/have been published in print (solely-authored film book; film anthology; monograph, etc.);
_____ Amateur (may be student or non-student; Blog writers; Non-critical essay writings published in print, either magazine or newspaper – news, features, interviews, etc. – will still qualify as amateur)
5. References – books, articles or online sources that are cited should be listed at the end of the essay. Mark the place in the text by enclosing the number within a parenthesis that refers to the reference list. For example, in the text: “ … Juan de la Cruz’s work on this subject is deemed important (10) … In the reference list, in the numerical order …
10. De la Cruz, Juan (2001) Lino Brocka and the Concept of Nation. Manila: UP Press.
Please limit published references to maximum of 3; then, provide full but short information within the text.
For film titles, no limit: Name of filmmaker and year of release in parentheses
For books or articles: Name of author, title (not subtitle) of article, title (not subtitle) of book, publisher, year published, page number of range, short URL (if applicable): all separated by commas.
Titles of books, films, albums, etc., should be in Italics;
Titles of articles, episodes, songs, etc., should be in quotation marks.
6. Quotations should also be acknowledged in the references.
7. The essay should be an original piece of writing. It should be written in the entrant’s own words and not copied from any book, article or the internet. FACINE will ask the entrant to say YES to a return email when asked; or print the following in a separate sheet of paper, sign, scan and email the pdf of the signed document:
“I hereby attest that this is an original entry and that it has not been copied from any other source, and that violation of this claim shall be my responsibility alone.”
Signed: _________________________
Date: __________________________
8. All essays submitted for competition will be read and selected for awarding by a Panel of Jury of at least three members, based on the following criteria:
a. Writing style – 30%
b. Insightfulness – 40%
c. Potential to contribute to existing literature in the field of Philippine and Filipino diasporic film criticism – 30%
9. Submission:; Deadline: June 30, 2018
10. Three winners in each category will be selected by a Panel of Jury, with the following prizes:
1st: $200, Certificate, publication, 3 copies of publication
2nd: Certificate, publication, 3 copies of publication
3rd: Certificate, publication, 3 copies of publication
1st: $100, Certificate, publication, 3 copies of publication
2nd: Certificate, publication, 3 copies of publication
3rd: Certificate, publication, 3 copies of publication
11. Finalists will be announced on July 5, 2018; and winners declared on the FACINE 25 Awards Night on October 21, 2018.
– Mauro Feria Tumbocon Jr, Director, FACINE
Logo design: Jim Flores.