September 3, 2018 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Asia/Manila Timezone
UPFI Film Center

September 3, 2018 (Monday)
1 PM
(at UPFI Film Center)

Directed by: Lino Brocka

Starring: Charo Santos-Concio, Gina Alajar and Phillip Salvador

Synopsis: A story set in the glitter and glamour of showbiz world. Behind the bright lights, fabulous costumes and larger than life sets, real lives are broken and shattered for the hunger of fame and the thirst for money. Carina Daluz (played by Gina Alajar) was blinded by the ill promise of success offered by her producer Mers Madsen (played by Charo Santos). Her walk toward the path to stardom entailed her sanity and corrupted her soul. Her innocence was replaced by wickedness and her once good natured self, has become the demon that she feared. No love that is forever, no hope to discover for all the people living in KONTROBERSYAL.

Ticket price: FREE ADMISSION