May 4, 2019 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Asia/Manila Timezone

Butterfly Taboo
Director: Nawruz Paguidopon
TRT: 19mins 05secs

May 4: 7:30 PM
May 6: 4:30 PM
Synopsis: While following the struggle of a Filipino LGBT political party campaigning for a seat in congress, the film’s director looks back at his own troubled youth, growing up gay. A fusion of animation and documentary footage, the film introduces the poetic voice of the director as he deals with a personal dilemma: “Should I jump through the window? Or should I continue my personal battle to come out of my cocoon of doubt and confusion?” ‘A Butterfly Taboo’ offers an interesting fusion of animation and documentary footage.

Watch trailer here: https://vimeo.com/113067417