June 28|Friday|7:00 PM
Slay (2017, 53 mins.)
Synopsis: Slay features the story of Floyd Scott Tiogangco, a homosexual trans-androgynous gender-queer Filipino performance artist. He is often judged and denied entry to public vehicles and establishments just because of his unique sense of style. This documentary explores how gender expression is also grounds for discrimination in the Philippines, and how the idea of sexual orientation often comes with a boxed expectation of how a person’s gender expression should be.
What I Would Have Told my Daughter If I Knew What to Say Back Then (2017, 13 mins.)
Synopsis: What I Would Have Told My Daughter If I Knew What To Say Back Then features the filmmaker talking to over 13 years of home videos in an imagined conversation with her daughter’s younger years. The filmmaker’s failed coming out when her child was only 3 years old inspired the initial concept for this experimental documentary.
Marching On
Artist Talk: Cha Roque