The UP Film Institute invited Dr. JungBong Choi to lecture on the “Political Economy of Korean Blockbusters, Then and Now” last March 22 at the Film Studio, CMC Media Center. Dr.Choi is Associate Professor in the Academy of Film at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), where he teaches theories of cultural globalization, transnational media/cinema/popular cultures of East Asia, and the political economy of postcolonial and neoliberal discourses. He previously taught at New York University (NYU) and University of California (UCSB).  Among Dr. Choi’s books are  Digitalization of Television in Japan: State, Economy, and Discourse (2008) and The Political Economy of K-pop Globalization: a Fanthropology (2014); Unsettling the National in Korean Cinema for the Journal of Korean Studies (2011) and Of Transnational-Korean Cinematrix (2012); He has also co-edited two volumes: Globalization, Television and Japan (2010) and K-pop: the International Rise of the Korean Music Industry (2014) .

Assistant Professor Joni Gutierrez introduces Dr. Choi before the lecture


Dr. Choi delivers the lecture to an active audience composed of students and professors of film, culture and communication

L-R: Assistant Professors Rob Rownd and Joni Gutierrez ; Dr. CHOI JungBong; UPFI Director Sari Dalena; Lecturer Renan Saliva; Assistant Professors Melissa Dela Merced and Yason Banal

The lecture was part of the Brownbag lecture series of the Office of Research and Publication of the College of Mass Communication of University of the Philippines Diliman.